Summer is here! 7 tips you need to try now for glowing skin

Whether you have dry, neutral or oily skin, summer brings in a range of skin issues for all skin types. Oily skin may become oilier and sticky, dry skin may become patchier and flaky, skin that may appear all normal may start developing acne breakouts. You may develop rashes due to sun burn or your skin may simply look dull because of all the sweat and dehydration. That’s why you need to be extra attentive towards your skin, making sure you avoid all these summer-related skin problems. Here are a few tips that will help you maintaining your skin health.

  1. Never leave home without applying sunscreen: Exposure to harsh rays of the sun can be worse for you, especially if you have a job that requires you to stay outdoors. It causes skin tanning and also triggers pre-mature ageing. Having a protective layer of sunscreen on your face and neck can reduce the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun directly hitting your skin. The choice of sunscreen you make is crucial. Choose the one that suits your skin type and doesn’t make it look oily. Check the sun protection factor (SPF) on the product you buy. You will need a minimum of SPF 30 to reap the protective effects. Apply the sunscreen 20 minutes before you step outdoors. And make sure you reapply the sunscreen after every 3 hours, especially if you are going to spend the entire day out in the sun.
  • Use a face wash to clear your skin: Using a face wash is the first step to wash off the dust, dirt and oil that has settled on your skin. While you might be already using a face wash to clean your skin, you need to do that more often than you think. Make sure you wash your face with a face wash at least twice a day, even if you don’t step outside. If you are prone to acne, then use a face wash that contains salicylic acid or a face wash that removes excess oil from your skin. If it is patchy and dry, then use a moisturizing face wash.
  • Scrub your skin regularly: Being outdoors means increased exposure to dust and dirt. Constant sweating in the scorching heat further allows the dust to settle on your skin and dirt to accumulate in your skin pores. Therefore, you need to exfoliate your skin regularly throughout summer. Most dermatologists recommend exfoliating twice a week with a good scrub. But it can vary depending on your skin type. Oily skin may need a more natural product to exfoliate while dry skin may need a scrub that also prevents the skin from becoming dry.
  • Use a toner and moisturizer: After you have cleansed your skin, don’t forget to use a toner to close those pores. This helps in tightening the skin and also prevents dust and dirt to clog your pores later on. Remember that oil and sweat doesn’t compensate for moisturizing needs of your skin. So despite how your skin may feel during summer, you do need to moisturize it. Moisturizing protects your skin from a lot of pollutants and also prevents drying out if you have a dry skin type.
  • Re-think your makeup routine: If you always step out of the house with make-up on, then you need to reconsider it during summer. Applying heavy makeup blocks your pores and makes it difficult to breathe. With all the sweat and heat, you can experience sudden development of acne, so it’s better to avoid heavy makeup. On occasions that you have wear makeup, make the right choices which does minimum damage to your skin. There are several good makeup options available in the market, which comes with a substantial SPF.
  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can do a lot of damage to your skin, so it is absolutely essential to stay hydrated during summer, both internally as well as externally. Drink plenty water to make your skin look refreshing and healthy. You can also drink a lot of natural and healthy summer drinks like coconut water and buttermilk which are good for your skin health. For external hydration, you can apply a hydration mask before you sleep at night. Hydration masks can help you restore your skin glow and make your face look rejuvenated the next morning.
  • De-tanning is the key: Even though you may not notice it, exposure to sun does lead to some amount of tanning. Despite use of sunscreen and the best skin care routine, you should consider using de-tanning products once in a while. Simply apply a de-tanning mask on your face before you sleep or apply aloe vera gel all over your skin and neck. It helps the skin to cool down and treats the damage caused to the skin due to sun exposure.

While most of these tips are for maintaining a glowing face, your skin on feet and arms also need equal care as they are also exposed to sun. Using a moisturizer and sunscreen on all parts of skin, including arms and feet, is equally important.

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