Common cause of childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a very common health issues which is majoring causing due to wrong life style. This condition occurs when excess body fat accumulate into the body.Actually excess body fat negatively affects a child’s health which we can monitor by BMI. BMI is very common and easiest method to determine obesity.

Why it is increasing? What is the reason of childhood obesity?  As a parents we are always thinking about these questions but not getting answer because some where we are also responsible for this condition.

The very common reason of weight gain is “If your kid eating more and doing less activity”

Few common causes of childhood obesity-

  • Wrong eating pattern-

Due to short of time and frequently outing  and  parties, Junk food consumption going to increases like Maggie’s, pasta, burger, noodles ,pizzas etc.

One good example pizzas, noodles are very common in birthday parties and weekend menu.

  • Sedentary life style- They are not getting enough time for  outdoor activity so major time they are spending in front of the tablets, TV  or Doing homework, playing video games  and sitting at the computer.
  • Emotional eating- Sometime because of study stress or lonely feeling or other reason increases emotional eating so they are not able to control the food quantity and Contain.

Ex Chocolate craving during exam is very common.

  • Unmanaged eating pattern- Due to lack of discipline in family there is no time and schedule for meals and activity even child don’t know about the proper eating time. Because of this reason developing binging habits which is also a eating disorder.
  • Parents Love- As a parents this is very challenging to say “no for food” to their kids and sometimes it is very difficult to accept about kid obesity Food quantity- Kids consuming large quantity of food. They don’t know about the normal portion size.
  • More Sugar Intake- Kids continuously consuming more Simple carbs with sweetened drink, chocolate, pastries etc. 

Risk Factors:


  • Indigestion- Due to wrong eating pattern and acidity and migraine in very common.
  •  Breathlessness, fatigue because of high weight unable to climb stair or participate in games and sports.
  • Developing risk factor of few diseases like Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Asthma Fatty Liver etc.
  • Depression- Due To complex feeling with other kids and sometimes other kids tease them because of fatty bodies and foody Habits leading to develop negativity and depression.

How to Fight with Childhood Obesity

 Parents should encourage their children for healthy diet. Few point I highlight below –

  • Start To choose Healthy Food Options-
  • Choose variety of coloured vegetable like lettuce, broccoli, carrot, tomatoes, beet, palak etc. and the food more interesting like veg stuffed chapatti, Sandwich, chapatti roll like Franky, carrot paratha etc.,
  • Avoid to skip breakfast- Breakfast is Important first meal provide energy to brain and help to finish other daily task without any tiredness. Along with help to increase consumption. Choose Oat meal, whole grain, fruits low fat dairy milk product etc. and avoid donuts, pastries and simple carbs.
  • Read Food Labelling- Sugar not only count in added sugar it is available in bread, wheat, pasta, ketchup, fast food, candy etc. So never neglect the food labelling and quant that carbs also kid is eating.
  • Limit Eating Out-
  • You will have to give more support to your kids to change their habits .
  • If you want to change your kid you also need to change your habit.  Please Change outing as much as possible and make tasty food at your home and never express your feeling like “eating out love” with them.
  • Schedule Meal Time-

Eat Meal On time help to control binging Eating pattern.   If they know the timing may start to enjoy the dining food with your company. Never forget your child develop the habit by you only.

  • Avoid The Simple Sugar-

If you will say no Sugar totally make cause food cravings but if you will limit the sugar contain food like candies, bakes goods, cookies, and introduce the milk and milk product or pudding and fruit based dessert but low fat. Help them.

  • Limit the intake of junk food and soda, coffee, aerated drink etc.
  • Keep snacks smallDon’t turn snacks into a Major meal.
  • Motivate To increase outdoor activity-and exercises-
  • Go outside and play with your kids, get them to involve in household chores, Enrol them in sport activity will help to consume more calories. Control the Portion Size
  • Use Smaller Dishes and distribute the food in small and large portion as per the Health professional advice never compare his/her current intake with earlier portion. Never force to eat more if they are become health/food conscious.
  • Give emotional support to your child. Behave very Normal and friendly with your child for this successful Health Journey.

I hope after this article you will be more aware about this issue help to save our future generation.

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